How to Fit in More Fun This Fall Even If You Have No Time or Energy

As the leaves begin to change and the air turns crisp, many of us entrepreneurs find ourselves caught in a whirlwind of activity. The fall season often brings renewed energy and ambition, but it can also lead to overwhelm and burnout if we're not careful. As a health coach, I've seen countless passionate women struggling to balance entrepreneurship with their well-being and desire for enjoyment.

This fall, it's time to break the cycle. Whether you're working on a side hustle or diving full-time into your business venture, it's crucial to work smarter, not harder. By focusing on your health and implementing strategic productivity techniques, you can create more room for the fun and joy that make life - and entrepreneurship - truly fulfilling.

In this blog post, we'll explore practical strategies to boost your efficiency, enhance your health, and carve out time for enjoyment, all while keeping your entrepreneurial fire burning bright. Let's dive in and discover how you can thrive in your business and still have time for pumpkin spice lattes and leaf-peeping this autumn!

1. Strategies to Work Smarter

Work With Your Personal Energy Cycles

Start by tracking your energy levels throughout the day for a week, paying attention to when you feel most focused and alert.

Everyone has unique energy patterns – some people are morning birds, feeling most energetic and productive in the early hours of the day, while others are night owls, experiencing peak energy levels later in the day or evening. For example, a morning bird might notice their energy is highest from 6 AM to 12 PM, while a night owl could experience increased focus between 3 PM and 9 PM.

Once you've identified your peak energy hours, reserve them for the most demanding and challenging tasks. By strategically aligning your work with your natural rhythms, you'll accomplish more in less time.

Master the Art of Strategic Rest and Fun

Strategic rest isn't a sign of laziness – it's an essential component of maintaining a healthy work-life balance and maximizing your productivity. Incorporating regular breaks into your schedule, especially for fun activities, can revitalize your energy levels and stimulate creativity.

Here are some examples you can implement throughout your workday:

  • Step outside for a short walk in nature, allowing the change of scenery and fresh air to refresh your senses.

  • Watch an episode of your favorite show or listen to a fun podcast episode to enjoy a lighthearted break and lift your mood.

  • Practice a creative hobby like coloring, knitting or photography lets your artistic side shine and unwind from work-related stress.

These breaks not only help prevent burnout but also enable you to return to tasks with fresh perspectives and increased focus. By making rest and fun an integral part of your daily routine, you'll enhance your overall well-being and productivity while creating more opportunities for joy this fall.

Prioritize and Delegate

As an entrepreneur, it's easy to feel like you need to do everything yourself. However, learning to prioritize and delegate can free up valuable time and energy. Start by listing all your tasks and categorizing them:

  • Must do personally

  • Can be delegated

  • Can be automated

  • Can be eliminated

Focus your energy on the "must do personally" tasks and find ways to delegate or automate the rest. This might mean hiring a virtual assistant, using automation tools, or asking your partner to help out more around the house.

Use Google Calendar for Color-Coded Time Blocking Fun

Google Calendar is a powerful tool that can help you visualize and manage your time more effectively. One popular technique is time blocking, where you allocate specific time slots for different activities. Adding colors to this method can make your schedule more visually appealing and engaging, allowing you to associate specific hues with various tasks and fun activities. Here's how to set it up:

  • Open Google Calendar and click on the desired time slot.

  • Click the drop-down arrow next to the default event color (usually blue) and select a color that matches the type of activity. For example, use blue for business tasks, green for outdoor activities, orange for creative pursuits, yellow for socializing, and red for self-care.

  • Give each time block a descriptive title, such as "Home Workout," "Write Pitch," or "Spa Night." You can also add details or notes in the description section to provide context or inspiration for each block.

By allocating time for specific activities and associating them with colors, you can visualize the balance in your schedule and ensure you're making time for the things you enjoy. Plus, the vibrant visual layout adds a sense of playfulness and excitement to your calendar, making planning and managing your time more enjoyable!

Focus on Health and Well-being for More Energy

Create an Energy-Boosting Morning Routine

How you start your day sets the tone for everything that follows. A powerful morning routine can fuel you with the energy and motivation to tackle your business goals. Consider incorporating:

  • Light exercise or a walk to wake up your body

  • A nutritious breakfast to fuel your brain and body

  • Review your business tasks to prep your brain for what will be the focus of the day

Even 15-30 minutes dedicated to this routine can make a significant difference in your day.

Optimize Your Nutrition for Sustained Energy

The food you eat is literally the fuel for your entrepreneurial fire. Focus on:

  • Complex carbohydrates for sustained energy (whole grains, sweet potatoes)

  • Lean proteins to support cognitive function (fish, legumes)

  • Healthy fats for brain health (avocados, nuts, olive oil)

  • Hydration – aim for at least 8 glasses of water daily

Consider preparing meals in batches to ensure you always have healthy options on hand, even during busy periods. A well-nourished body and brain will help you work more efficiently and have energy left over for fun activities.

Use Movement to Boost Creativity and Productivity

Regular movement can enhance creativity, improve mood, and boost overall productivity. As an entrepreneur, you might feel like you don't have time for exercise, but incorporating regular movement into your day can actually make you more efficient. Try these ideas:

  • Take "walking meetings" with yourself to brainstorm ideas

  • Use a standing desk or treadmill desk for part of your workday

  • Schedule short, high-intensity workouts for maximum benefit in minimum time

  • Stretch for a couple of minutes to relieve tension and re-energize during long work sessions

Remember, even small amounts of movement throughout the day can add up to significant benefits for your health and your business.

Practice Stress-Management Techniques

Entrepreneurship can be stressful, but chronic stress can seriously impact your health and productivity. Having a toolkit of stress-management techniques can help you stay balanced and focused. Try these:

  • Visualize a calming scene, such as a beach or a peaceful forest, to help reduce stress and muscle tension. You can find various guided imagery scripts online or listen to recorded guided imagery sessions.

  • Practice affirmations and positive mantras to challenge negative thoughts and build self-confidence, helping you better manage stress and pressure.

  • Document your stressors, how they make you feel, and how you cope with them. Reflecting on your stress experiences can help you identify patterns and develop effective coping strategies.

  • Connect with friends, family, or colleagues to share experiences and receive encouragement. Social support can be a powerful buffer against stress.

Incorporating these techniques into your daily routine can help you manage stress more effectively, leaving you with more energy and enthusiasm for both work and play.

Prioritize Quality Sleep

Quality sleep is crucial for entrepreneurial success. It enhances creativity, improves decision-making, and boosts overall productivity. Yet, it's often the first thing sacrificed in the name of "hustle." To improve your sleep:

  • Stick to a consistent sleep schedule, even on weekends

  • Create a relaxing bedtime routine to wind down from work

  • Make your bedroom a sleep sanctuary – cool, dark, and quiet

  • Avoid screens for at least an hour before bed

Remember, a well-rested entrepreneur is a more effective and creative entrepreneur.

Making Room for Fun

Schedule Fun Like You Schedule Work

As an entrepreneur, you're used to scheduling important meetings and deadlines. Apply this same principle to fun activities. Block out time, as mentioned above, in your Google calendar for enjoyment, whether it's a fall hike, a pumpkin carving session, or a cozy movie night with friends. Treat these fun appointments with the same respect you give your work commitments.

Embrace the Energy of the Fall Season

Use the unique energy of autumn to your advantage:

  • Take your work to a local café and enjoy the fall ambiance while being productive

  • Use the cooler weather for outdoor "walking meetings" with yourself or clients

  • Attend fall festivals or farmers markets for a mix of relaxation and potential networking

  • Set a fun fall-themed goal, like trying a new autumn recipe each week

Practice Mindful Enjoyment

When you do engage in fun activities, be fully present. Put away your phone, stop thinking about work, and immerse yourself in the experience. This mindful approach to enjoyment will help you feel more refreshed and recharged when you do return to work.

Combine Business and Pleasure

Look for ways to combine your business pursuits with enjoyable activities. For example:

  • Host a fall-themed workshop

  • Use the seasonal changes as inspiration for new offers

  • Collaborate with other businesses on autumn-inspired projects

  • Take a "workcation" to a scenic fall destination, mixing productivity with enjoyment

By blending work and fun, you can make progress on your business goals while still enjoying the season.

Cultivate Hobbies Unrelated to Your Business

While it's great to love what you do, having interests outside of your business is crucial for maintaining balance and stimulating creativity. This fall, consider picking up a new hobby or rekindling an old one. Whether it's knitting, experimenting with fall photography, or joining a local sports activity, engaging in activities unrelated to your business can provide a much-needed mental break and potentially spark new ideas.


Remember, building a business is a marathon, not a sprint. By implementing these strategies to work smarter and prioritize your health, you're not just making room for more fun - you're setting yourself up for long-term success and fulfillment in your entrepreneurial journey.

Start by choosing one or two strategies that resonate with you the most. Implement them consistently for a few weeks and notice the difference in your energy, productivity, and overall enjoyment of life. Small changes compound over time to create significant results.

Your entrepreneurial dreams are worth pursuing, and so are your well-being and happiness. This fall, commit to working smarter, not harder. Fuel your body and mind with healthy habits, and don't forget to pause and enjoy the beauty of the season. After all, isn't creating a life you love the whole point of entrepreneurship?

As you implement these strategies, remember to be patient with yourself. Change takes time, and it's okay if you don't get it perfect right away. The goal is progress, not perfection. And don't forget to celebrate your wins along the way – both in your business and in your efforts to create a more balanced life.

Here's to a fall filled with productive work, vibrant health, and plenty of fun! May this season bring you closer to your entrepreneurial goals while also allowing you to savor the simple joys of autumn. Remember, a successful entrepreneur isn't just someone who builds a thriving business – it's someone who creates a fulfilling life in the process.

Ready to Dive Deeper in Creating More Time and Energy for Fun?

If you're excited about implementing these strategies but feel like you could use some extra guidance, I've got something special for you. Introducing my free 3-day audio course:

3 Days to More Time and Energy for Juggling Work, Entrepreneurship & Fun Without Burning Out

Here´s what you´ll get:

Day 1: Organize Your Day for Success

  • Discover the key to a balanced day

  • Avoid overwhelm with simple steps

  • Create a flexible yet focused schedule

Day 2: Boost Your Energy and Beat the Afternoon Slump

  • Implement quick and effective energy-boosting activities

  • Use the power of nutrition and hydration to your advantage

  • Take breaks without feeling guilt

Day 3: Stop Procrastinating and Take Action

  • Discover the secret to getting started

  • Learn how to gain momentum and confidence

  • Get the strategies that work to stay motivated

In this course, you'll receive one email a day for three days, each containing:

  • A short, powerful audio lesson (perfect for listening during your commute or while doing chores)

  • Action steps you can implement immediately

By the end of this mini-course, you'll have concrete strategies to create more time and energy throughout your day, leaving room for the fun and relaxation you deserve.

Sign up now by entering your name and email below:

Remember, you're not just creating more time – you're creating a life you love.

Let's make it happen together!

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Solveig Eitungjerde

I am an Institute of Integrative Nutrition - certified health coach from Norway. I take a holistic approach to health, which means that I focus on all areas of your life that support and nourish your overall health such as exercise, nutrition and sleep.

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