Achieving Career Work-Life Balance: Strategies for Women Entrepreneurs

As women entrepreneurs we often find ourselves striving to achieve a balance between our careers and our personal lives. In this blog post, you´ll get tailored strategies for women entrepreneurs like yourself. It's not about sacrificing one aspect of your life for the other; it's about balancing your entrepreneurial ambitions and your well-being. Get ready to implement strategies that support your career aspirations and ensure that you thrive personally as a woman entrepreneur.

What is Work-Life Balance?

Work-life balance means having a good balance between your work and your personal life. It's like having a scale where work and personal time are balanced evenly, allowing you to progress in both areas without sacrificing one for the other.

For women entrepreneurs, achieving work-life balance is crucial for overall well-being and success. Just like a tree needs a balance of sunlight, water, and nutrients to grow, women entrepreneurs need a balance between their business endeavors and personal lives to thrive.

Understanding the Challenges

Societal expectations and stereotypes

Society often expects women to prioritize family over careers or assumes that we as women are less capable of running successful businesses. These stereotypes can create pressure and make it harder for women entrepreneurs to balance their professional and personal lives. It's like trying to swim against a strong current – it takes extra effort to defy these expectations and carve our own path.

Balancing different roles

As women entrepreneurs we often find ourselves juggling multiple roles, such as caregiver, spouse, friend, and business owner. Balancing these responsibilities can be challenging, requiring careful planning and time management. It's like being the conductor of an orchestra, ensuring that each instrument plays its part harmoniously.

Managing business demands

Running a business comes with its own set of demands. As women entrepreneurs we often find ourselves working long hours and facing high-pressure situations, which can take a toll on our personal lives. It's like being the captain of a ship, navigating through stormy seas while keeping the crew (and yourself) safe.

Psychological factors such as guilt and burnout

As women entrepreneurs, we can often experience feelings of guilt for not being able to devote enough time to our businesses, our families, our social lives, or our wellness. This guilt, along with the constant stress of running a business, can lead to burnout. It's like carrying a heavy weight on your shoulders – if you don't take breaks and lighten the load, you'll eventually collapse under the pressure.

Strategies for Achieving Work-Life Balance

Set clear boundaries

Establishing clear boundaries between your work and personal life is essential for women entrepreneurs striving to achieve balance. Just as you would build a fence around your garden to keep out unwanted intruders, setting boundaries protects your personal time and preserves your well-being.

Picture this: your time is like a precious garden, deserving of protection and cultivation. By defining specific work hours and sticking to them, you create a barrier that shields your time from the demands of your business. This separation allows you to fully immerse yourself in both work and leisure without one taking over the other.

Learning to say no to additional commitments that threaten to invade your personal time is equally important. Just as you would decline requests to trespass on your garden, saying no protects your boundaries and preserves your autonomy. It empowers you to prioritize activities that align with your values and goals, ensuring that your time is spent in ways that bring fulfillment and joy.

So what are some tangible ways to set clear boundaries? 
  • Schedule specific work hours, such as 9 AM to 5 PM, and stick to them consistently to create a clear separation between work and personal time.

  • Use tools like calendar blocking to visually represent your work hours and block off time for personal activities.

  • Politely decline requests for meetings or work tasks outside of your designated work hours to reinforce your boundaries.

  • Designate a physical workspace in your home or office to signal when you are in "work mode" and when you are off-duty.

By establishing and maintaining boundaries, you reclaim control over your time and energy, allowing you to focus on what truly matters. Whether it's nurturing your relationships, pursuing hobbies, or simply recharging your batteries, boundaries provide the structure necessary for achieving a harmonious work-life balance.

So, embrace the power of boundaries in your entrepreneurial journey. Like a well-tended garden, they cultivate a sense of balance and harmony, enabling you to thrive both professionally and personally.

Delegate and outsource

Identifying tasks that can be delegated to others is a strategic move for women entrepreneurs striving to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Just as hiring a gardener to tend to your lawn frees up your time for other pursuits, delegating tasks to employees or outsourcing to freelancers or contractors allows you to focus on what truly matters.

Imagine this: your business is like a garden, requiring regular care and attention to thrive. By enlisting the help of a skilled gardener, you can trust that the maintenance will be handled efficiently, leaving you with more time to tend to other areas of your life.

Similarly, in your business, there are tasks that may be better suited for others to handle. Whether it's administrative duties, content creation, or customer service, delegating these tasks allows you to allocate your time and energy toward activities that align with your strengths and priorities.

So what are some tangible ways to delegate and outsource?
  • Identify tasks like bookkeeping, website maintenance, or social media management that can be outsourced.

  • Consider hiring a virtual assistant on a part-time or project basis to handle administrative tasks, freeing up your time to focus on revenue-generating activities.

  • Use online platforms like Fiverr or Upwork to find skilled freelancers who can assist with specific tasks on an as-needed basis.

  • Invest in tools and software that automate repetitive tasks or streamline processes, reducing the need for manual intervention.

By delegating effectively, you not only lighten your workload but also create space for personal fulfillment and rejuvenation. This strategic approach enables you to strike a better balance between your professional responsibilities and personal life, fostering greater harmony and well-being overall.

So, embrace the role of a delegator in your entrepreneurial journey. By entrusting tasks to capable hands, you empower yourself to focus on the bigger picture, pursue your passions, and enjoy a more fulfilling work-life balance.

Prioritize self-care

Prioritizing self-care activities is a cornerstone of achieving work-life balance for women entrepreneurs. Amidst the hustle and bustle of entrepreneurship, carving out time for self-care is not a luxury but a necessity. Consider it as tending to the most important asset in your business – yourself.

Imagine this scenario: just as flight attendants instruct passengers to secure their own oxygen masks before assisting others on a plane, prioritizing self-care means attending to your own well-being first. By nurturing yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally, you equip yourself to better tackle the challenges of entrepreneurship and support those around you.

Self-care can be a variety of activities, from engaging in regular exercise to simply spending quality time with loved ones. These activities refill your energy, reduce stress levels, and enhance your overall resilience.

Think of self-care as fueling up your car before embarking on a long journey. Just as your vehicle requires fuel to operate efficiently, your body and mind need nourishment to function optimally. By investing time in self-care, you ensure that you have the stamina and clarity of mind to navigate the entrepreneurial landscape with vitality and purpose.

So what are some tangible ways to prioritize self-care?
  • Dedicate regular time each day for self-care activities such as exercise or relaxation to recharge your batteries.

  • Incorporate breaks into your workday to step away from your desk, stretch, and engage in activities that help alleviate stress.

  • Schedule weekly "me time" where you engage in hobbies or activities that bring you joy and fulfillment outside of work.

  • Seek out opportunities for social interaction and connection, whether it's attending networking events, joining online communities, or scheduling virtual coffee chats with fellow entrepreneurs.

Ultimately, prioritizing self-care is not selfish; it's an act of self-preservation and empowerment. By taking care of yourself, you not only safeguard your well-being but also enhance your capacity to thrive in both your personal and professional endeavors. So, remember to prioritize self-care as an essential component of your journey towards achieving work-life balance and sustainable success.

Utilize technology and tools

Harnessing the power of productivity apps and time management techniques is essential for women entrepreneurs striving to achieve work-life balance. By leveraging technology, you can streamline your workflow, boost efficiency, and reclaim precious time for personal pursuits.

Picture this: productivity apps are like having a digital assistant at your fingertips, ready to assist you in organizing your tasks, scheduling appointments, and prioritizing your workload. From project management tools to calendar apps and task trackers, these apps serve as your virtual allies in staying on top of your professional responsibilities.

Similarly, time management techniques act as guiding principles, helping you make the most of your available time. Whether it's the Pomodoro Technique or time blocking these strategies empower you to allocate your time wisely, focus on high-priority tasks, and minimize distractions.

So what are some tangible ways to utilize technology and tools?

- Use apps and software to keep things organized and manage your tasks.

- Try tools like Trello to track what you need to do and when it's due.

- Use automation tools like Zapier to make repetitive tasks easier.

- Get tools that help you work smarter and save time, like calendar apps or apps for tracking your time.

Finding yourself constantly procrastinating on your tasks? Download my free focus & productivity checklist by dropping your email and name in the form below.

In essence, integrating productivity apps and time management techniques into your workflow is like using a Swiss army knife – a versatile tool that equips you to tackle various tasks with precision and ease. Just as a Swiss army knife offers multiple functions in a compact package, technology enables you to optimize your productivity and accomplish more with less effort.

So, embrace these digital tools and techniques as indispensable companions on your journey towards work-life balance. By working smarter, not harder, you can create space for both professional success and personal fulfillment, allowing you to thrive in every aspect of your life.

Get support

Seeking guidance from experienced entrepreneurs is invaluable, but working with a health coach can be truly transformative for women entrepreneurs. A health coach specializes in supporting individuals like you in achieving holistic well-being, including managing stress, maintaining energy levels, and prioritizing self-care. Collaborating with a health coach provides personalized strategies tailored to your unique needs and challenges.

Imagine having a dedicated ally by your side, guiding you towards optimal health and work-life balance. A health coach can help you cultivate habits that nourish your body and mind, enhancing your resilience and productivity as an entrepreneur. Their expertise empowers you to navigate the demands of entrepreneurship while prioritizing your well-being.

So what are some tangible ways to get support you ask? Here are some examples:

- Seek guidance from experienced entrepreneurs to gain invaluable insights and advice.

- Consider working with a health coach to transform your well-being as a woman entrepreneur.

- Collaborate with a health coach for personalized strategies tailored to your unique needs.

- Embrace the support of a health coach as a dedicated ally on your journey towards success.

In essence, working with a health coach is like to having a trusted companion on your health journey. Their support can be life-changing, equipping you with the tools and mindset to thrive both personally and professionally. So, consider incorporating the guidance of a health coach into your entrepreneurial journey – it may just be the catalyst for achieving the balance and fulfillment you desire.

If you are looking for initial support from a health coach to create a healthy lifestyle adapted to your specific needs and personality, I’d love to help. Tap the button below to book a free intro call with me and I’ll walk you through how we will get you to your health goals in an enjoyable way.


In conclusion, as women entrepreneurs, achieving a balance between our careers and personal lives is a constant pursuit. This blog post has provided tailored strategies specifically crafted for women entrepreneurs.

Remember, it's not about sacrificing one aspect of your life for the other; it's about finding harmony between your entrepreneurial ambitions and personal well-being. By implementing these strategies, you can support your career aspirations while ensuring personal fulfillment as a woman entrepreneur.

Work-life balance is like having a scale where work and personal time are balanced evenly, allowing you to excel in both areas without sacrificing one for the other. Just as a tree needs a balance of sunlight, water, and nutrients to grow, women entrepreneurs need a balance between business endeavors and personal lives to thrive.

Despite facing unique challenges, such as societal expectations, multiple roles, business demands, and psychological factors like guilt and burnout, it's possible to achieve work-life balance.

Setting clear boundaries, delegating tasks, prioritizing self-care, utilizing technology and tools, and seeking support from experienced entrepreneurs or health coaches are tangible steps toward achieving this balance.

Remember, prioritizing self-care is not selfish; it's essential for your well-being and success. By taking care of yourself, you enhance your capacity to thrive in both personal and professional endeavors.

In essence, finding work-life balance is a journey, not a destination. By implementing these strategies and seeking support when needed, you can achieve the balance and fulfillment you desire as a woman entrepreneur. So, embrace this journey and thrive in every aspect of your life.

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Solveig Eitungjerde

I am an Institute of Integrative Nutrition - certified health coach from Norway. I take a holistic approach to health, which means that I focus on all areas of your life that support and nourish your overall health such as exercise, nutrition and sleep.

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